“No Hate in ‘08”
… is what we yelled at the top of our lungs, December 31st, 2007 with damp hands, interlocking arms, and locked lips. And oh, did 2008 put our battle cry to the test. The depths in which 2008 dove to present trials and tribulations that occur so rarely and cause one to act in ways that are later best accompanied by the words, “I’m sorry” and “Life changes,” in either a gruff mumble or drawn out, hushed voices, was matched only by the vast expansion of possibilities disguised as opportunities that transformed into unparalleled sweetness, adventures, stories, and memories. Residential, employment, financial, friendship and relationship stability were all fair game in 2008… and to not accept that open invitation to the Haterade open bar and Emotional buffet (Oh look, they’re serving Anger AND Frustration! Have you tried the Depression? It’s divine!) at the Pity Party took a concentrated and prolonged effort. But as a wise man once said,
“These type of things happen all the time…
You gotta get yours before I gotta get mine…”
The essense of No Hate. In hindsight, I’m sincerely thankful and indebted to the following places, experiences and all those involved (you know who you are!):
- Berlin, GR
- Palm Springs, CA
- Las Vegas, NV
- Knoxville, TN
- Miami, FL
- San Francisco, CA
- Los Angeles, CA
- BerdHouse Gallery / Unitard
- Cha Cha Lounge / Little Joy / Gold Room / Sugar Hair Salon
- Almost getting evicted
- Almost getting fired / Quitting / Getting hired
- Moving in (x3)
- Moving out (x3)
- GoGA / Midnight Ridazz
- Elite*ist Scooter Crew / Team Honda Red
- The Latebirds / Choke / Naked Boyz
- Rebelligentsia
- Silverlake Dodgeball / Fun Active Gentlemen’s Society
- Team Eat Your ASSHOLE Alive
- RadBonez
- Guerilla Diaorama Club
- DrewTube
- June 24, 2008
- July 4, 2008
- November 4, 2008
- Bikram Yoga
- Perseid Meteor Shower
- Halloween
Armed with good karma, cosmic energy, good old-fashioned strength (stroumpf!), understanding, lessons, and friendships (new and old) cultivated and nurtured throughout 2008, I’m ready to make good on that wise man’s saying and I invite you to do the same… let’s embrace, exchange Xs and Os across state lines, say it with me in a roar or a whisper, our battle cry for the New Year:
“I’mma get mine in ’09.”